Canadian Escorts started due to a need in for quality listings in Canada. We've come accross numerous of stories where people have been misled, scammed, or simply had their time wasted, and this has to do with bad quality ads out there.
Our belief is that improving the quality of listings will be positive in this industry and will lead to a safer and more enjoyable experience for everyone.
We are tirelessly working to improve our tools that index and score escort ads. We are also trying our best to keep this platform FREE. It is free for escorts to post ads and free for users to browse. This makes it difficult for us to respond to all of your requests on timely manner but we are listening!
While we are based in Estonia we make an effort to accommodate everyone globally and make sure that all parties find what they're looking for, and have a safe and enjoyable experience.
Do you have any suggestions or feedback? We are always happy to hear them. Just email us at